Bed bugs are one of the most common pests affecting homes. You can find them in sofas, carpets, beds and even clothes.
They feed on human blood by piercing one’s skin with an elongated beak through clothing or bedding.
Though bed bugs are not known to spread disease, they can cause significant distress as they bite over 200 times a night causing itchy welts that may leave scars if scratched.
Fortunately, there is plenty you can do at home without having to call in experts to get rid of these pesky insects.
Here are five DIY tips for getting rid of bed bugs: This article will provide 5 do it yourself remedies for getting rid of these pesky critters!
1. Wash Your Linens
Did you know that bedbugs can live in your sheets and towels, meaning they have a way of coming into your home even if you do not bring any with you!
The best thing to do is wash all linens on high heat.
This should be done before washing your clothes or shoes because this will get rid of the bugs before they have a chance to spread.
When leaving your house, be sure to not leave your suitcase on the floor.
Get a luggage rack and place it in an empty closet away from where you sleep so that when you get home all you have to do is unpack and put everything straight into the wash!
2. Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum
After you unpack, immediately vacuum the room.
This will suck up any bugs or eggs that are on your floor or furniture.
“When you are done vacuuming, throw out the vacuum bag so that it cannot escape and contaminate your home.”
Also be sure that when you vacuum, you vacuum all cracks and crevices such as your bedposts, your headboard, and around any baseboards in the room.
Remember to empty the canister once finished vacuuming! If there are any bugs in there or eggs they will start multiplying and could cause a re-infestation in your home!
3: Use Soap and Hot Water
If you do not have time to wash all of your linens, there are certain DIY remedies that will help with getting rid of any bedbugs that may live on your clothes or in your shoes.
First, place all clothing in the dryer on high heat for at least 30 minutes.
For cracks or crevices, spray with soap and water.
You can use any type of soap but make sure it has Vitamin E in it because this will kill the bugs if they come into contact with it!
For shoes, place a paper towel inside to absorb any moisture so that the bugs cannot live in there.
Then put them in a plastic bag and spray with soap and water before placing outside overnight where it is safe from pets or children.
In the morning, take your shoes back inside and leave them upside down on newspaper to dry!
4: Diatomaceous Earth to Kill Bugs
Diatomaceous earth is a fine powder made from fossilized remains of diatoms.
It is non-toxic to humans but to insects, it’s deadly because when small amounts are ingested by insects, the diatomaceous earth absorbs the waxy layer on their exoskeleton causing them to dehydrate and die within 48 hours.
To apply this to your bed, put it in a shaker and sprinkle sparingly where ever you think they might be hiding.
5: Use Essential Oils
For this remedy, you will need to either buy or make a pesticide using essential oils.
This works best when combined with other DIY remedies which is why it is last on the list.
Combine a few drops of tea tree oil and rosemary oil with 2 teaspoons of water in a spray bottle and shake well before each use!
Spraying around the baseboards and windows will help deter bugs from coming into your home.
If you are looking for ways to get rid of bed bugs without spending a ton of money, this article provides 5 do it yourself remedies that can help.
From washing your linens and spraying with soap and water to using diatomaceous earth or essential oils, these DIY tips will be helpful in ridding your home or hotel room of any unwanted critters!